The transformer model has revolutionized machine translation.(トランスフォーマーモデルは機械翻訳を革命的に変えました。)
This video explains the evolution and technology behind Google Translate. Initially, Google Translate used a basic pattern-matching approach, relying on professional translations scraped from the internet. Over the past two decades, it has transitioned to a sophisticated neural network capable of handling over 130 languages.
The current model, called a transformer, converts language into mathematical vectors, allowing the computer to understand the meaning of sentences rather than just individual words.
This transformation involves complex machine learning techniques, including matrix multiplication, to create context vectors that represent the meaning of entire sentences. The video also discusses the challenges of optical character recognition (OCR) used in tools like Google Lens, which can read text from images even in difficult conditions.
Despite the advancements, the system still faces limitations with slang, casual speech, and deformable objects. Google is continuously working to improve its translation accuracy and add more languages to its repertoire.