カリフォルニア州パルーで、Googleのストリートビューガレージを訪れ、35lbのバックパックを背負って最新の360度カメラを試しました。また、Google Geoの責任者と生成AI技術がGoogleマップやGoogle Earthに与える影響についても話しました。
In California’s Paloo, I visited Google’s Street View garage while wearing a 35lb backpack equipped with one of Google’s latest 360-degree cameras. This seven-lens camera captures images for Street View, showcasing locations like Machu Picchu and the Paris Olympics. Smaller, more agile cameras are also in use on vehicles. Additionally, I spoke with the head of Google Geo about generative AI features enhancing Google Maps and Google Earth. We were also the first media to access the service center where these cameras are repaired, providing an up-close look at the technology.
振り返り (動画再視聴)