Frequent flyer programs have evolved significantly over the last 40 years, shifting from rewarding miles based on how often one flies to focusing more on spending, including expenditures beyond airline tickets. This transformation allows members to earn rewards without needing to fly frequently. The article explores how airlines balance the interests of their most frequent flyers with those of their biggest spenders, raising questions about the future of loyalty programs. Insights were gathered during a two-day visit to American Airlines’ headquarters in Fort Worth.
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if you've flown on any Airline really in the last 40 years chances are you are member of one of these clubs and that's a frequent flyer program frequent fire programs used to be about flying frequently so you would be rewarded with Miles every time you took a trip over the years they have evolved to tilt more towards rewarding spending you know how much you spent on that plane ticket not just how far you flew and in recent years they've gone even farther to rewards spending not only on airline tickets but really on anything this change made it possible for people to continue to earn in the program without having to fly we've asked Executives how they strike that balance between kind of keeping their their most frequent flyers happy and their biggest Spenders happy because they're not always the same people and it sort of raised a lot of questions what would Airlines do without loyalty programs to get those answers we spent 2 days at American airlines' headquarters in Fort Worth we've been trying to just understand the mechanics of how the airline protects one of its most valuable assets